News // 181 News by 2Agenten
MAX-O-MATIC aka Máximo Tuja is originally from Buenos Aires, was born in 1975 and is an artist and visual designer. He has been living and working in Barcelona since 2002, where he creates his imaginary, imaginative and colorful world from torn pieces of the real world.
His work has been exhibited in galleries in Barcelona, London, Madrid, New York, Tokyo, Berlin, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Rome, Lima and Mexico DF, to name but a few.
He has collaborated with brands such as Nike, Wired Magazine, Spotify, Newsweek, New York Times, Electronic Arts or Universal Pictures, creating his signature collages for commercial and editorial projects.
He is a founding member and director of The Weird Show, which showcases the world's most outstanding contemporary collages in exhibitions, online and in print.
From now on MAX-O-MATIC aka Máximo Tuja is represented by 2AGENTEN, Berlin. We show you a first portfolio here on GoSee.News.
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For the agency Redactive, the creative team WRK aka Andrea Weber and Damoun Tamir produced an illustrated editorial for BULLETIN magazine. The young German designer duo loves to work with a wide range of materials and techniques, including paper, papier-mâché and food. The works are then photographed and finalized on the computer.
The RCSLT's Bulletin magazine is the leading speech and language therapy journal in the UK and contains the latest news in speech and language therapy.
We also show you her illustration for the WASHINGTON POST - the Climate Coach special section cover 2024 : “Thank you to @wrk for sending the artwork to our DC newsroom all the way from Germany!” we quote the Washington Post. Art direction and design by Emily Sabens, design editing by Joe Moore.
The two are represented by the Berlin illustration agency 2 Agenten.
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The illustrations of Gisela GOPPEL c/o 2AGENTEN have adorned the windows of dm stores across Germany for the past three months. Her designs have also featured on bags and postcards.
Plus Gisela GOPPEL c/o 2AGENTEN illustrated a cover for INSEL VERLAG.
Bright-colored sketches and ballpoint pen doodles,
A circle in purple and Vietnamese noodles,
The sweet melody when my Instagram bings...
These are a few of my favorite things.
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