Blogs // 1 Blog by Ron Kuhwede

ewigundendlich: Questions for Our Own Death Culture
Leipzig-based photographer Ron Kuhwede explores death, funerals, and mourning culture in his photo art project "ewigundendlich".

Through a series of 40 staged images, he sheds light on the subject of death from various perspectives, encouraging viewers to confront their own mortality.

Using humor and moments of surprise, Kuhwede challenges traditional views and presents death as a natural part of life. His aim is to remove the stigma surrounding death and place it back where it belongs—right at the heart of life. In many cultures, death is celebrated with colorful festivities, dance, and music, but in our society, it is often pushed aside. With this project, Kuhwede hopes to inspire a more open, lighthearted, and accepting approach to death, fostering peace with its inevitability.

The project, supported by sponsors, is set to culminate in a major photo exhibition and a high-quality photobook. Companies from the funeral industry and beyond are invited to join as sponsors, benefiting from the project's media exposure.

For more information about the project and sponsorship opportunities, visit the official website: © // 5 files show complete blog
IMAGE // Die Panne / The Breakdown - Ron Kuhwede
IMAGE // Auf die alten Tage / In memory of the old days - Ron Kuhwede
IMAGE // Der Bus zum Friedhof / Bus to the cemetery - Ron Kuhwede
IMAGE // Sterben in 3D / Dying in 3D - Ron Kuhwede
IMAGE // Der trauernde Clown / The mourning clown - Ron Kuhwede