Blogs // 1 Blog by Alina Gross

The Beauty of Imperfection

"Unflattering poses or disturbingly intimate details counteract
the prevailing thinking about the most advantageous and perfect
representation of naked bodies. In her colorful productions hovers
 a hint of criticism of prevailing ideals of beauty and gender classifications
or the ideas of what a woman should look like and how she should pose.
Her view does not show the bodies perfectly or shamefully, and yet - or
precisely because of this - the photographs are of shimmering beauty.
The images irritate in a joyful way and set off a journey inside us - a mental cinema,
inspired by the sensuality and originality of these photographs."

Dorothee Achenbach © // 8 files show complete blog
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing
IMAGE // ALINA GROSS / Book release at Snapcollective Publishing