ramp x BMW x Antoni TudiscoEin multimediales Kunstprojekt im Kontext einer wirksamen und aufmerksamkeitsstarken (Awarness-)Aktivierung

ramp x BMW x Antoni TudiscoEin multimediales Kunstprojekt im Kontext einer wirksamen und aufmerksamkeitsstarken (Awarness-)Aktivierung

Artist Antoni Tudisco
Client BMW M
Advertising Agency ramp.space
Creative Director ramp.space
Producer ramp.space
Animation Antoni Tudisco
Location Hyperbowl

RAMP.SPACE x BMW M x Antoni Tudisco: 'A multimedia art project in the context of effective and eye-catching (awareness) activation'

ramp.space, BMW M and 3D artist Antoni Tudisco are taking art to a new level - in a joint media collaboration that combines modern CGI technology with multimedia storytelling in the field of tension between the analog and digital worlds. In his artwork, the renowned digital artist has three all-electric BMW M models drive through surreal dream worlds - and by doing so opening up completely new perspectives. The production took place in the...

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