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News // 175 News by MONDAY IN MAY

Lina GRÜN c/o MONDAY IN MAY photographs the new KBV campaign all about rettet-die-praxen.de

KBV, or Germany’s National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, is primarily tasked with representing the interests of the approximately 183,000 doctors and psychotherapists working in practices and for outpatients. When it comes to legislative procedures or decisions on health policies at a federal level, the KBV represents the position of the aforementioned registered physicians. 

The campaign shown here deals with the present issues of KBV members. It was photographed by Lina GRÜN c/o MONDAY IN MAY for the agency Ressourcenmangel.
15.05.2024 show complete article


Furniture that makes the new possible – Anne DEPPE c/o MONDAY IN MAY photographs ‘Ray Work’ for the client BRUNNER

BRUNNER is a family business based in Baden with a passion for functional designer furniture that brightens up everyday life in an incredible number of ways for customers around the globe.

Anne DEPPE c/o MONDAY IN MAY photographed ‘Ray Work’ for the client BRUNNER.
15.05.2024 show complete article