29.01.2024  •  Advertising NEWS


‘Into the Future Together’ -  Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ photographs and films for SIEMENS Healthineers


Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Photographer: Manuel Uebler c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ

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Siemens Healthineers AG is a listed manufacturer of medical technology and consolidates the activities of Siemens in this area. The name Healthineers is a portmanteau constructed from the terms healthcare, engineer and pioneer. 

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ photographed and filmed for SIEMENS Healthineers.

Our portfolio of products, services and solutions is at the center of clinical decision-making and courses of treatment. Patient-driven innovation has been and always will be at the core of our company. We aspire to create better solutions and experiences for patients – no matter where they live or which challenges they are facing.” SIEMENS Healthineers.

Siemens Healthineers, one of the world’s largest suppliers to the healthcare industry, had a workforce of around 69,500 employees in 70 countries in September, 2022.
GoSee : neubauerschwarz.com

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Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers

Manuel UEBLER c/o NEUBAUERSCHWARZ for Siemens Healthineers