26.10.2022  •  Advertising NEWS


‘SILD a la Palægade’ – Mikkel ADSBOL c/o ANDREA HEBERGER photographs the cookbook in which herring plays the lead role for Copenhagen restaurant Palægade

The cookbook about herring, published in coffee table format for Copenhagen restaurant Palægade, was photographed by Mikkel ADSBOL c/o ANDREA HEBERGER.

The restaurant Palægade serves traditional Danish lunches with a modern touch : “The restaurant opened in 2017, and in a relatively short time, it became a cornerstone of the Copenhagen lunch scene. Major reconstruction is underway at the moment due to a fire that ravaged the premises. The owners of Formula B, Kristian Arpe-Møller & Rune Amgild Jochumsen, have set out to resurrect the restaurant from the ashes.”

The hardcover book ‘SILD a la Palægade’ has an impressive weight of around 3 kilos. The book contains 100 herring recipes and is 320 pages long. Layout, idea, concept and publishing came from branding agency SALVADOR.

GoSee : formelfamily.dk/palaegade & andrea-heberger.de

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings

Mikkel Adsbol & Herrings