The people behind III FREUNDE WEIN are winemaker Juliane Eller, entertainer Joko Winterscheidt and actor Matthias Schweighöfer. It all started when Juliane took over her parents' business - and simply wrote to Joko asking him to join in. Matthias then joined as well .... and years later the III FREUNDE wine is still a great success.
Felix KRÜGER c/o c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP photographed entertainer Joko Winterscheidt and actor Matthias Schweighöfer for their very own III FREUNDE wine on behalf of Pepperstark, an agency for public relations, creator relations and artist management based in Munich, founded in 2015 by Linda Feller and Simone Leeb.
Advertising Agency Pepperstark
Model Joko Winterscheidt
Model Matthias Schweighöfer
Photographer Felix Krüger c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP
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