17.04.2023  •  Advertising NEWS


I am in love with my first impression – Théo GOSSELIN c/o LGA MANAGEMENT photographs and films the latest OBVIOUS PARFUMS campaign in Sweden … and meet LGA at UPDATE in Berlin


Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

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You are my missing half… “When David Frossard imagined Un Bois for OBVIOUS Parfums, he wanted to recreate a feeling, an emotion. The feeling of a long evening by the campfire, playing acoustic guitar and singing folk songs. This is not just a fragrance, this is the fragrance of a moment frozen in time.” OBVIOUS PARFUMS.

Photos and film for the campaign were realized by Théo GOSSELIN c/o LGA MANAGEMENT – including main actors Guillaume Nothin and Gloria Avril skinny dipping in a Swedish lake.

“The Obvious brand was created as part of our quest for new olfactory elegance and a new understanding of luxury: a luxury embedded in simplicity which takes environmental issues into account, an essential component. These perfumes are modern, reflecting a society made up of new consumers who are aware of the world around them, demanding of the products they purchase and looking for distinctive fragrances. Our perfumes also match today’s wardrobes and lifestyles: simple, high-quality, original and casual. Less is more… This is Obvious!” says founder David Frossard, who has been developing perfumes for more than 20 years.

GoSee : obviousparfums.comlgamanagement.com

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT

Théo Gosselin x Obvious Parfums @LGA MANAGEMENT


LGA MANAGEMENT. Photographic, style and production agency representing some of the most reputable artists in the world, with offices in Paris, London and New York.