Clara BERLINSKI, and her artwork ‘Clapping is not enough’ supports the book appearing at Leycam Publishing. Illustrations that make you high-five to stories about people you should know and admire. Perhaps a last minute gift idea?
Publishing company Leykam, founded in 1585 in Graz, is one of the oldest publishing houses in Austria. From the very beginning, the publisher has cooperated closely with the University of Graz, which was founded in the same year. The publishing program has been focused to this day, in addition to science, on pedagogy, textbooks, non-fiction and fiction.
Plus : Merle SCHEWE is ringing the dinner bell with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, and the topic of the illustration is ‘The Right to Eat’. Irene SACKMANN illustrated the culinary highlights of the German states in 2022 for TAFELSPITZ / Freizeit/Kurier. And almost photo-esque are the stylish fashion illustrations and the sensual teaser for art in the holiday season : by Katjana LACATENA for EDITIONEN / Breuer/ Hamburg with UCM Publishing.
Blagovesta BAKARDJIEVA illustrated the latest campaign themed upon addictive substances for WELT DER FRAU entitled ‘I’m letting you go’, and Claudia MEITERT illustrated for the website of suburban railway service S-Bahn Berlin. Clara BERLINSKI illustrated a short article for the with the design of the NIGHT GUARD and his jurisdiction at the VIENNA TECHNICAL MUSEUM.
NEW on the team is Christina MÜHLHÖFER : “She came flying in with a comprehensive portfolio, a broad spectrum of topics, a focus on fashion, as well as on portrait. Her style is dominated by thoroughly thought-through compositions, size ratios and perspectives. She intervenes in topics and, by doing so, edits the content in favor of readability.” says Caroline Seidler. “Charming, friendly, frontal, concentrated and simple are all hallmark descriptions of her portfolio. The handicraft perfectly learned provides a solid foundation for limitless experiments. Structures are redesigned while always adhering to the requirements of the client.”
Last but not least : Caroline Seidler and her team wish you Happy Holidays !
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Illustration Clara BERLINSKI c/o
Illustration for business, culture, tourism and communication. 2D, 3D, moving image. We support visual communication through illustration and animation.
We make people’s visual needs to communicate our focus.
We use culturally learned visual languages and their psychological functions.
At “The message of illustration / The Ambassy of Illustration“
the core competence is consultation. As an expert, Caroline Seidler and her colleagues create orientation and security in the thicket of possibilities: Style, technique, price-performance
ratio and production support. “It is always surprising and gratifying to see the variety of projects and topics that customers approach us with. In the economic areas of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, people know and appreciate us.” The most diverse styles require a sure instinct, the techniques require constant active engagement with new technologies and the contents require constant
interest and learning: “Brainwork as a craft combined with a sure instinct“.
Luerzers 200 best of Illustration 2020
The wish book is supported and extended on our website