01.08.2021  •  Agencies NEWS


ALDI Süd celebrates the ‘No Difference’ – in the lead role of the commercial, we present you super ager Boris c/o BRODYBOOKINGS



TV Commercial Spot for ALDI Süd

DOP: Simon Dat Vu
Client: Aldi Nord / Aldi Süd
Production: Bubbles Produktion
Art Director: Inga Sprinckstub
Styling: Susanne Kreyenfeld, Christiane Schwambach
Hair & Make-up: Katharina Schneider
Set Design: Merlin Ortner
Model: Boris c/o Brodybookings
Agency: Zum goldenen Hirschen
Regie: Joschka Laukeninks
Camera: Claudia Schnoor

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In the new TV spot, ALDI ‘mirrors’ its brand assortment with ALDI’s house brands. The ‘Discover the No Difference’ campaign was realized with best ager model Boris c/o BRODYBOOKINGS. ALDI’s house brands can easily compete with branded products – which is once again underscored by ALDI Nord and ALDI SÜD in their new campaign. With the claim, ‘Discover the No Difference’, the discounters confidently compare big brand names with their own house brands from their standard assortment.

In the presented spot, Persil is pitted against ALDI’s own brand Tandil. “With our campaign, we would like to show that ALDI brands don’t have to hide behind brand-name products. Quite the opposite: They offer the highest quality and an excellent price-performance ratio,” says Lars Klein, Managing Director of National Buying & Services and Customer Interaction at ALDI SÜD. 

We learn from the ALDI press release : “As a matter of fact, ALDI’s house brands regularly achieve top results among independent testers such as Stiftung Warentest and ÖKO-TEST. That means, choosing ALDI products is often a smart decision for customers: the same product with the same quantity, but at a better price. And because ALDI continuously works intensively on adding value in cooperation with its suppliers, its own labels are repeatedly put to the test in the interest of the customer. As a result, parameters such as sustainability or user-friendliness of packaging, the quality and origin of ingredients, the reduction of unnecessary ingredients, taste or sensory qualities are continuously tested and optimized. 

For the new campaign, ALDI chose a creative side-by-side approach. On a split screen, the same scene is shown in a mirrored view: A dad cooks spinach with his kids, a white-haired hipster slips into his freshly washed and sparkling white clothing, a woman hanging upside down in a yoga pose enjoys a piece of chocolate. At first sight, they are the exact same images, but at the end, brand-name products and ALDI’s own products are revealed. Because whether spinach, detergent or chocolate, the products are similar, except for that one little difference: The ALDI brand is always at a better price.”

“Our new campaign is meant to show our customers with a slightly tongue-in-cheek approach that they can’t do anything wrong by shopping at ALDI,” says Lukas Kaiser, Interim Managing Director for Marketing & Communications at ALDI Nord. “Whether with our strong house brands or our extensive assortment of brand-name products – our customers can rely on one thing: all they have to do is reach into the shelves at ALDI to always get the best quality at a top price,” says Kaiser.

The campaign was realized by the agency Zum Goldenen Hirschen, Munich. It is shown on the various channels of ALDI Nord and ALDI SÜD. Among the measures, besides TV and radio spots, are also advertisements and podcast ads. The campaign is also supported comprehensively on social media channels of the discounter and digitally. Serving as the media agency was PHD. GoSee : brodybookings.com

DOP     Simon Dat Vu
Client     Aldi Nord / Aldi Süd
Production     Bubbles Produktion
Art Director     Inga Sprinckstub
Styling     Susanne Kreyenfeld, Christiane Schwambach
Hair & Make-up     Katharina Schneider
Set Design     Merlin Ortner
Model     Boris c/o Brodybookings
Agency     Zum goldenen Hirschen
Regie     Joschka Laukeninks
Camera     Claudia Schnoor

Markus Brodbeck aka Brody started casting for some directors in 1997. Good scouting and casting work made Brodycasting successful. Numerous clients and campaigns found their face with Brodycasting. In 2001 Brodymodels was founded to give special talents a home and open doors to international partners. Ever since, a few brodymodels made their way into the fashion business. A locationservice called Platzverweis in Stuttgart/Berlin offers attractive architecture for any production since 2002 and showcases in the publication of the IF Design awarded 40 Räume Stuttgart and 40 rooms Berlin. New labeled Brodybookings brings Brodycasting and Brodymodels back together and brings up a brand new artist department featuring longtime professionels and hottest new discoveries. Brody is heading the company and three more bookers are supported by 2 trainees and scouts. Platzverweis is lead by Alina Franke and one more trainee and when neeeded, some free lancers.

Featuring: GoSee ADVERTISING