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11.02.2017  •  Agencies NEWS


Performance, Perfection, Passion! PX Group in charge of post production & CGI for the AUDI SPORT brandbook #LeagueofPerformance and the agency loved

AUDI SPORT stands for passion & performance and presents its own exclusive brandbook which thjnk's design agency loved created for the self-proclaimed League of Performance. PX Group was in charge of the complete post production and CGI, as well as the final artwork and prepress afterward. Several photographers contributed to the book (Agnieszka Doroszewicz, Jan van Endert, Manuel Ferrigato, Sjoerd ten Kate, Mierswa Kluska, Benne Ochs, Marcel Schaar, Rouven Steinke, Bernd Westphal). “One highlight regarding CGI are the streetfighters: rendered Audi race cars versions in nightly street scenes,” Steffen Bruenner from the PX GROUP tells GoSee.

Alongside elaborate photo spreads showcasing motorsport racers as well as the latest series models, the book shows the successful history and development of the racing sport and valuable insights from exclusive racing pros. The focus throughout is the idea of consistent technology transfer from sport to series production. True to the claim: “Born on the track. Built for the road.”  We have a peek for you here on GoSee, and more works are available directly from the PXGROUP.
Advertising Agency     loved GmbH
Post Production     PX Group

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

Audi Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook

AUDI Sport Brandbook


PX Group: uniting the Post-Production houses PX1 Berlin, PX2 Hamburg and PX5 Munich. Our specialist knowledge comprises CGI for still and animation imagery, creative Retouching and Prepress. The skills and passion of our digital artists are our most valuable asset; working closely together with agencies and photographers in house or on location. Our dedicated teams, (specialised in the areas People, Fashion and Beauty, Still-life and Automotive), compliment one another to form complex and top performing units.