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15.08.2024  •  Editorial NEWS


Florian Grill photographs for L’OFFICIEL - with styling by Noah KÄCHELIN and hair & makeup by Sophie LERCHE, both artists c/o BIGOUDI

GoSee :

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel

BIGOUDI: Sophie Lerche, Hair and Make up and Noah Kächelin, Stying for LÒfficiel