15.11.2023  •  Editorial NEWS


Model Tatiana Torres in KEYI Magazine - photos by Ava PIVOT c/o B&A REPS GERMANY, styling by Daniel Blechman

Styling: Daniel Blechman @daniel.blechman
Casting Director: Chisom Abuba Whitecasting @whitecasting
Makeup & Hair: Norbert Cheminel @norbertcheminel with Kathrin Hohberg Artists
@kathrinhohbergartists using MAC Cosmetics
Photographer: Ava Pivot reps. B&A @avapivot @bareps using Nikon Z7ii and Nikon Z9 and
Model: Tatiana Torres @tatianatorres_00 with Mirrrs Models @mirrrsmodels
Studio: Deadline Studio Berlin. @deadlinestudioberlin
Moving Content: Murat Karabey @baymuratbey

Featuring: +1
KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY

KEYI Magazine by Ava Pivot of B&A REPS GERMANY