‘Mary Ellen Mark. Encounters’ features five iconic projects created by the photographer (1940–2015) during the 1970s and 1980s, and whose subsequent publications in book form have contributed significantly to her reputation: ‘Ward 81’ collects her documentation of women in a state mental institution in Oregon over a period of weeks; ‘Falkland Road’ is a reportage on sex workers in Mumbai; ‘Mother Teresa’s Missions of Charity’ is a visual exploration both of the woman and her mission; ‘Indian Circus’ reproduces a series depicting traveling circus families, while Mark’s award-winning ‘Streetwise’ project and subsequent ‘Tiny: Streetwise Revisited’ show her ongoing commitment to telling the story of Erin Charles, who was thirteen when they first met, and known as Tiny. Mark began the project when Tiny was living on the streets and continued photographing her (and eventually her ten children) over the next thirty years.
The group exhibition ‘Image Ecology’ presents a global cross-section of twelve innovative approaches in the form of photographs, video works and installations. The artists employ experimental and traditional production methods, go back to historical processes, or even invent new technologies. Divided into four thematically overlapping chapters, the exhibition illustrates the stages of the metabolic cycle : energy, material, work and waste – ultimately coming full circle to where it all started, with energy.
C/O Berlin presents the artistic intervention ‘Lago di Homo’ from September 16, 2023 through Fall 2024 by Israeli artist Navot Miller, who lives in Berlin. The mural, commissioned exclusively for the Café C/O Berlin x Barkin’Kitchen, was on display for the first time at the opening of the new exhibition program at 8pm on 15 September, 2023, at C/O Berlin in Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22–24, 10623 Berlin.
C/O Berlin Foundation . Amerika Haus . Hardenbergstraße 22–24 . 10623 Berlin . co-berlin.org