LGA Management has been among the major and most established global players in the creative industry for years now – representing artists whose names speak for themselves, such as Annie Leibovitz, Nadav Kander, Pamela Hanson, Ellen von Unwerth, Paolo Pellegrin, Mary McCartney… and many more. With offices in London, Paris and New York, the campaigns of LGA Management are known to regularly raise the bar.
Olivier Jezequel, Head of the Paris office, and his team attended UPDATE once again – and here is his very beautiful feedback about our salon :
“We are back in Paris now from UPDATE.Salon, which just took place in Berlin, and where the LGA Management Team had the opportunity to meet clients and talent from throughout Germany and abroad.
Update continues to be a pioneer when it comes to fostering relationships between creatives from different agencies – giving us two days of intensive meetings, in-depth conversations and so much to discover. GoSee, who organizes the salon, chose a new format this year : with a first day for business, aimed at connecting industry experts and clients (i.e., heads of marketing, communication, art buying and image purchasing as well as ADs and CDs); and a second day, also open to photographers and directors preselected by GoSee – enabling us to discover new talent who would perhaps become the next enriching addition to our pool of artists.
We have participated in the salon already for five consecutive years – and our enthusiasm for the concept, the ambiance and, not least, the high-profile visitors in attendance continues to grow with each new year.
Germany is an important market for us with an impressive variety of very distinct cities : Berlin – arty par excellence – which is gradually moving and grooving the creative epicenter of Europe more and more to the east. And then there’s Hamburg, that is just bursting with countless creative agencies as well as prêt-à-porter and cosmetic brands… but also Stuttgart, the beating heart of the German automotive industry.
At LGA, we work with creatives from Germany more and more frequently. Our superpower? An international team with German Producer Veronika Tonkha and her right hand, German-Italian Production Coordinator Clara Pandolfi. The multiculturalism lived and breathed at LGA enables a perfect flow of communication and gives us an optimum understanding of the needs of our German clients. After all, more and more collaborate with us every year.
A big thank you goes to the GoSee Team, Cyrus C. Halabian and Frank Schmitz, for your excellent work throughout the year and the wonderful time we’ve had these two days ❤️.
See you next year.” Olivier Jezequel, CEO of LGA MGMT, Paris.
GoSee : update.salon