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05.10.2021  •  Illustration NEWS


#5 PAUSE – Isabel SELIGER c/o SEPIA illustrates the summery title photo for the German edition of socialist magazine JACOBIN

Illustrator Isabel SELIGER c/o SEPIA studied at the University of Art in Kassel and has lived in Berlin since 2014. She illustrates frequently for international magazines, and her particular specialty are teasers and title photos full of atmosphere. One of which was here for the summer issue of the magazine JACOBIN. SEPIA tells us : “The title photo shows workers enjoying a refreshment. Isabel immerses the after-work scene in a warm and casual atmosphere. The motif is an homage to ‘Bathing soldiers (the Builders of the bridge)’ by Dmitri Zhilinsky from 1959.”

Jacobin is an American socialist magazine which is also published in Brazil, Germany and Italy. It was founded in 2010 by Bhaskar Sunkara first as an online magazine. The American political author Bhaskar Sunkara is also the publisher of ‘Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy’ and London’s ‘Tribune’. In 2020, Sunkara was among the ‘40 Under 40’ list of Fortune Magazine in the category ‘Government and Politics’.

The magazine sees itself as a leading voice of the American Left. It offers you radical answers to the urgent questions of our time. Since 2010 in the USA. Since 2018 in Italy. Since 2019 in Brazil and since 2020 also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Four issues in a subscription for only € 35. GoSee :
Illustration     Isabel Seliger c/o Sepia




Wir sind SEPIA, die Agentur für Illustration. Uns gibt es seit dem Sommer 2012. Wir vertreten Talente mit Leidenschaft für gutes Design. Wir begleiten unsere Künstler und freuen uns, dass sie durch verschiedene Kunst- und Designpreise ausgezeichnet wurden.

Anja Laame berät bei der Auswahl des geeigneten Illustrators und steht bis zur fertigen Bildumsetzung zur Seite.


In summer 2012 SEPIA, the agency for illustration, was founded. We represent talented illustrators with fresh ideas and a passion for excellent design. We maintain close contact with our illustrators to support their artistic deve­lop­ment and we are therefore delighted that they have received various art and design awards.

Anja Laame would be happy to advise you on finding an artist who suits your project and to assist you during all stages of its realization.