Anton HALLMANN c/o SEPIA illustrated various ideas for professions in a key visual for BMWi. Since the illustrator tells clearly defined stories with his digital collages, it was the perfect choice in this case for the client: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The dual vocational training system is a successful model with a bright future. Due to the Corona pandemic, it is not easy to put supply and demand within the job market on the same page. In the “Summer of Vocational Training” (#trainingSTART), the partners of the Alliance for Training and Continued Education would therefore like to get young people and companies on board with this program from June through October. The proclaimed mutual goal is for as many young people as possible to be able to start their vocational training in the year 2021, according to BMWi.
Further works by Anton are available via SEPIA.
Illustration Anton Hallmann c/o Sepia
Wir sind SEPIA, die Agentur für Illustration. Uns gibt es seit dem Sommer 2012. Wir vertreten Talente mit Leidenschaft für gutes Design. Wir begleiten unsere Künstler und freuen uns, dass sie durch verschiedene Kunst- und Designpreise ausgezeichnet wurden.
Anja Laame berät bei der Auswahl des geeigneten Illustrators und steht bis zur fertigen Bildumsetzung zur Seite.
In summer 2012 SEPIA, the agency for illustration, was founded. We represent talented illustrators with fresh ideas and a passion for excellent design. We maintain close contact with our illustrators to support their artistic development and we are therefore delighted that they have received various art and design awards.
Anja Laame would be happy to advise you on finding an artist who suits your project and to assist you during all stages of its realization.