The BRIGITTE magazine BRIGITTE Leben! with its coaching tips on the psyche and nutrition is targeted at open-minded, smart, liberal people over thirty who are interested in health topics – and who are looking for ways to live healthier and more relaxed lives by optimizing their eating habits – but entirely without finger wagging.
Robert DEUTSCH c/o SEPIA, illustrator and painter from Leipzig, set his sights on ginseng, pomegranate, celery and kimchi for the new issue of the magazine BRIGITTE Leben!.
BRIGITTE publishes the magazine together with Dr. Anne Fleck. She is one of the ‘Health Docs’ and as such among the leading nutrition experts on TV and the guidebook market. Anne Fleck is a bestselling author (Schlank, Ran ans Fett) and one of the most skilled nutrition specialists, because as a doctor, she combines hard medicine with the latest findings of nutritional science. Her credo : Teach people to be the best doctor for themselves with the help of nutrition.
GoSee : &
Wir sind SEPIA, die Agentur für Illustration. Uns gibt es seit dem Sommer 2012. Wir vertreten Talente mit Leidenschaft für gutes Design. Wir begleiten unsere Künstler und freuen uns, dass sie durch verschiedene Kunst- und Designpreise ausgezeichnet wurden.
Anja Laame berät bei der Auswahl des geeigneten Illustrators und steht bis zur fertigen Bildumsetzung zur Seite.
In summer 2012 SEPIA, the agency for illustration, was founded. We represent talented illustrators with fresh ideas and a passion for excellent design. We maintain close contact with our illustrators to support their artistic development and we are therefore delighted that they have received various art and design awards.
Anja Laame would be happy to advise you on finding an artist who suits your project and to assist you during all stages of its realization.