Sometimes your fashion adventure begins just outside your pizzeria around the corner. German photographer and director Norman KEUTGEN c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP filmed the short spot presented here for the fashion client RESERVED with influencer Justine Schlütter in the lead role.
Justine thrills her community day in and day out with witty and inspiring content. After participating in the Carmushka Summerhouse, she made her definitive breakthrough on her Instagram and TikTok channels. The topics of fashion and beauty play a major role in her content, and she has collaborated with brands including Armani, Pandora and Copenhagen, we quote her Cologne-based management agency
Polish clothing retailer RESERVED, headquartered in Gdansk, belongs to the stock corporation LPP and meanwhile has approximately 1700 Reserved stores worldwide. The tendency, thanks to a keen eye for fashion, is growing.
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DOP Norman Keutgen c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP
Celebrity Justine Schlütter
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