News // 5 News by Motor Presse Hamburg GmbH & Co KG
Multilayered, timeless, nuanced … the GoSeeAWARDS spread just goes to show once more how remarkably photographer and director Ralph Mecke masters his craft. And the congenial stylist and Fashion Editor at his side like so often : Yilmaz Aktepe. Yilmaz elevates fashion to an art form. It is never random and never banal. It transforms rooms into sceneries. And these are subsequently dissected by Ralph Mecke and masterfully captured with the camera.
On board for post production of the spread was RECOM, who absolutely see themselves, who could blame them, as a fine art partner of their clients. Thanks to years of experience in all areas – advertising, food, art, fashion, and moving images – there’s hardly a motif they aren’t skilled in post-producing so artistically that the quintessence of the image alone seems to magically attract the attention of viewers.
“We would like to congratulate Yilmaz Aktepe, Ralph Mecke and RECOM on winning BRONZE at our GoseeAwards 2023. For us – as we have said so often – all 20 finalists are winners : because, ultimately, the AWARDS are all about the high-quality viewing of our jury, which was outstanding again in 2023. It was particularly wonderful to see how many jurors personally attended UPDATE-23-BERLIN. We’re already looking forward to 2024 !” Cyrus C. Halabian, GoSee.News & UPDATE.Salon.
By the way, RECOM was also on the shortlist of finalists this year together with artist Monica Menez.
GoSee :
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We’ll make it short: The exhibitors, the location, the weather… it was simply perfect. It was particularly nice to see how UPDATE is also becoming more and more popular among art and creative directors as well as direct clients. We’re already looking forward to next year and have gathered a few example quotes for you. And before we forget: Huge thanks to the AFTER-WORK sponsors Severin Wendeler, Abelone Films, Big Shrimp, Peak Productions, Bubig, NeubauerSchwarz, Upfront and Rockenfeller & Göbels. We love teamwork!
“I wanted to thank you sincerely for the invitation to the GoSeeAwards, your warm welcome and the quality of the event. It is always a real pleasure to meet the agents and discover new talent.” Nathalie Maudet, Directrice Achat d’Art / Head of Art Buying, Publicis Conseil, Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Marcel, Publicis Sapient.
“I would like to thank you very much once more for inviting me to Update. The event was really amazing, and I met so many new agencies. There were a lot of agents there that I have already worked with, and I was able to meet them in person through the event. I am already in contact with many of them regarding their work and our magazine planning. At events like this, I always realize that for me, there is only one job: Photo Editor. Photographers/videographers/agents/creatives are simply very special people.” Andrea Vollmer-Hess | Visual Editor, VOGUE Germany, Condé Nast Germany.
“We have many networking events in our hotel – but that everyone is busy networking intensively everywhere you look all day long, like now at UPDATE – that was quite new for all of us here at the hotel.” Laura Pohl, Event Sales Executive, Telegraphenamt.
“I would like to thank you so much again for the beautiful UPDATE last week! I had a lot of fun and would like to congratulate you on this truly amazing event!” Jennifer Parry, Director Creation, Print Production & Brand, MADELEINE Mode GmbH.
“I really, really liked the whole event. The location was excellent, the exhibitors were very diverse, and I found the entire atmosphere and all the conversations so inspiring.” Garnet Matthiesen, Creative Production | Leitung Art Buying, Grabarz & Partner.
“It was so nice to be there with you again. The location was really beautiful, and the resulting size of the trade fair, too. For me its not so much about discovering new talent but more about connecting and updating. For my Junior, it had everything. She found the mix of national and international exhibitors very good and quite inspiring,” Alice Feja Team Lead Art Production, ACCENTURE SONG.
“Thank you so much for the great trade fair!!! We have received mind-blowing feedback from the visitors. MEGA!!!!!!” Marco Hülsebus ARTISTSPOOL & Yilmaz Aktepe, Editor-in-Chief – Best Fashion / Member of the Editorship – Men’s Health / Fashion Director Men’s Health & Women’s Health.
“A colorful bouquet of inspiration, an amazing location and the best atmosphere among exhibitors and visitors. What I also thought was great, of course, were the two collectives. I found both concepts, the ‘political’ statement of Herspective and the Artistspool, very interesting. Looking forward to 2024.” Birgit Meinhof, Senior Art Buyer, CarlNann GmbH.
“A really good and beautiful location, which really does something for the mood and the atmosphere (almost the best location for Update since 2015, as far as I can say) – good placement and number of exhibitors. With regard to so many photographers attending, well, I’m not too sure… On one hand: It is really great to see everyone, have the opportunity to talk or get to know everyone in person! On the other: You have less time to look at portfolios and talk to agents/production companies etc. yourself. The day is really too short!” Juliane Siedler, Senior Art Buyer, Scholz & Friends.
“For me, the organization and scale of UPDATE were very appealing. I met a lot of people I know there and also made new contacts. The two halls were not too full, and you had time to look at the portfolios of the individual representations and get into a conversation with the attending photographers.” Christian Klein, Creative Lead Brand & Campaigns TERRITORY Integrated & Digital Creative Director.
‘The day was simply perfect! And our art directors were just as thrilled.” Karen Schwarzer, Head of Art Buying, Philipp und Keuntje.
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